Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After reading Chapter 1, list and describe 2 ideas that interested you. Also, you need to post a question related to your entry. You then need to answer 2 other people's questions.
So, altogether you will have
  • Two ideas that interested you
  • One question (related to one of your ideas)
  • An answer to two other people's questions.
Make sure I know who you are and which period you are in.


  1. Per 1 April Dubois: One idea that interests me is the way French numbers are based on a 20(vigesimal) number system. The example that the book "Zero" gives us is eighty, 'quatre-vingts' in French which means four twenties. This number system makes sense but it also shows how simple our number system has become.

    Another idea that interested me was how the Egyptian calender was the ancestor of our own calender with 30 days in 12 months a year and an extra five days at the end of the year to make 365 days. This leads to my question of how did they know how many days and months to create in a year?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. many used the moon but eygptians figured out a way of using the sun to find out the day and year. -Bobby Valdez

  2. Period 1 Bobby Valdez:
    First idea I thought was strange was, creating a stabe calendar was a problem for ancient people because they started out with lunar calendars that actually measured the length of a month.

    Second idea that was weird was, many being afraid of zero, there was a primal fear of void and chaos with the number zero which was unusual.

    Question: Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar?

  3. Two ideasthat intrest me:

    1) that different cultures lived without zeroes
    2) How some feared the number zero

    Question about the ideas:

    1. Why did the anctiens have a fear for zero

    Anser two questions of others:

    1-Bobly Valdez: Which nation came up wiht the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar?

    The egyptians

    2-April Dubois: How did they know how many days and months to create in a year?

    1. Period 1 -Erica Buonora

    2. It was the symbol of chaos and nothing existed within it. -Bobby Valdez per. 1

  4. Period 5- Diana Dominguez
    -The first thing i found interesting was how mathematicians drew logic from Gog the caveman's wolf bone with tick marks.
    -The second thing i found interesting was how people used scribes as symbols for their numbers.
    Question: Before zero and other numbers, how did people count and use logic?

    Answers two questions of others :
    1.Eric Buonora- Why did the ancients have a fear for zero?
    The original people who started creating the ideas of numbers had never began with the number zero. In some Greek stories there was a prophecy of a story that resembled the fore coming of something like zero, which scared them.

    2.April Dubois-How did they know how many days and months to create in a year?
    -In the very beginning of time people really didn't think of a system to count the passing of time they would just say that it's been long or many days.

  5. Kristel Chingcuangco (Period 5)

    Two Things I Found Interesting Are:
    1. I found it interesting that the number zero was viewed as dangerous and frightening.
    2. Another thing I found interesting was with the Greek and Eqyptian system being so sophisticated,they didn't come up with the number zero.

    Question: How was zero so unimportant before our time?

  6. Edelina Marzouk (Period 5)
    two things I found interesting:
    1. that each ancient culture had a base system for numbers like the base ten system for Egyptians and the base twenty system for the French.
    2. another idea that really interested me is the way people used to add up symbols of little numbers to created bigger quantities.

    Question: how was zero not a number when it was first used? what does it mean for it to be a placeholder?

    Answer 2 Questions:
    1.Diana Dominguez- before zero and other numbers, how did people count and use logic?
    well, I think that that they were very primitive and counted in ways like Gog the caveman.

    Bobby Valdez- which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calender?
    the Egyptians, they used the sun to form their calender instead of the lunar calender.

  7. Sydney Moore (Period 5)
    The two things that interested me were that:
    1-They found zero to be scary that interested me because they were afraid of a number and that couldnt hurt them.
    2-Another thing that interested me is that they had diffrent base counting numbers on how to count like base 5 and base 10 or even base 20.

    Question: Which people used the alien described faces as a language in the first chapter?

    Answer to 2 Questions
    1-Bobby Valdez- Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the Lunar calendar?
    The Egyptians
    2-Eric Buonora- Why did the ancients have a fear for zero?
    The ancients had a fear of zero because it was a symbol of chaos and void, that nothing existed in zero that it was an infinite nothing.

  8. Gene Rodriguez
    period 5

    1. I found interesting that the Greeks system of numbers was a bit more sophisticated then the Egyptians even though its not as advanced in the ancient world.

    2. Also the Babylonian system took the title of being more advanced which came up with zero.

    Question: How did zero just randomly appear of this Babylonian counting system?

    Answer 2 questions:
    1. @Kristel Chingcuancgo
    How was zero so unimportant before our time?
    Zero may have not been important before maybe because of not using zero multiple times consecutively.
    2. @Diana Dominguez
    Before zero and other numbers, how did people count and use logic?
    People counted using signs and symbols.

    1. Answer1 @ Gene Rodriguez
      It wasn't just added ino the counting system it was added later on.

      Answer2 @ Steven Salazar
      They considered zero as a twisted and demonic open space of unknowness and, yes they did fear that.

      -William Yeromian

  9. Steven Salazar
    Period 5

    Two things that interested me in "ZERO" are:
    1. Charles Seife's ability to examine various number systems throughout history and throughout different cultures; i.e. comparing old Babylonian numbers (with and w/out 'zero') to modern-day numbers.
    2. Another thing that seemed fascinating to me is the author's definition of anything equaling anything. Appendix A (referenced in Chapter 1) also intrigued me because it, in a way, proved that Winston Churchill is actually a carrot!

    Question: Did ancient civilizations actually consider zero irrelevant and unnecessary, or were they afraid of the properties of this "Dangerous Idea"?

    1. @Sydney Moore
    They Mayans used the alien faces in the first chapter.
    2. @Gene Rodriguez
    Zero appeared in the Babylonian counting system to act as a solution to their problem of having similar symbols represent the same exact numbers. They adapted the "twisted edges" which represented an 'empty space', that we now know as zero.


    My Question: How did mathematical thought begin?

    2 Ideas: One idea that I found interesting was the fact that zero was found long before any humans could read or write. I also find it interesting how zero has dangerous mathematical properties.

    Q&A: Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar? The Egyptians.

  11. Stephanie Soriano
    Period 1
    1. Something that really interests me and really confused me was the Babylonian system of counting from starting at sixty and having only one symbol represent many numbers, how could this have not NOT gotten them mixed up later on.
    2. Another thing that interests me was how every system of counting was different starting from the Egyptians, and know present day how every way of counting or math problem has to be solved one specific way.
    Question: How would have making zero part of the modern day calendar benefit at all if it’s just plus one more year? (Noting on why it’s stated the Mayans calendar starting with zero was an even better version of the calendars we use now.)
    Answers to questions:
    1. Diana Dominguez - Before zero and other numbers, how did people count and use logic?
    Since there weren’t any numbers to count by people would just start at stating having one of something and having many of something, or using their hands and feet (ten fingers and ten toes) to say how many things they have. But I think that last part was after they began to get the concept of numbers.
    2. Steven Salazar -Did ancient civilizations actually consider zero irrelevant and unnecessary, or were they afraid of the properties of this "Dangerous Idea"?
    People still have very diverse ideas of the beginning of life but coming to the conclusion that before life there was nothingness. You can imagine how the earlier human beings on this planet must have felt like not understanding what was there before them or how they had come to be. They were afraid of zero because as they evolve in coming up with numbers and creating this new system that will forever change their way of living, this one number that comes from literally nothing will shatter their beliefs and progress so they wanted to avoid excepting that outcome.

  12. Brontë Schmit
    Period 5
    1. I found it interesting that because humans have five fingers on each hand, that it became almost our natural preference to group by fives. While Gog was the first one to begin grouping numbers in fives, it is a habit that we have carried with us for generations.
    2. Something else that I found interesting was how the Nile overflowing every year in Egypt led to the development of mathematics there. Also how the Greek and Egyptian mathematical writing styles were almost identical.

    Question: The book states that due to the Nile overflowing every year, the Egyptians HAD to become master mathematicians. Along with managing property lines, what did math have to do with the annual flood?

    1. Erica Buonora- Why did the ancients have a fear for zero?
    The ancients feared zero because it represented nothing. It symbolized a void and utter chaos and for that there was primal fear. It was also linked with the beginning of time, or rather, before it. Before the universe came to be, there was nothing. WIth zero, it was a symbol of emptiness and the end of the world.
    2.Ailin Blour - How did mathematical thought begin?
    The beginnings of mathematical thought were found in the desire to count sheep. And no, not in the way you do when you are trying to fall asleep. They wanted to keep track of their domestic animals because they were extremely valuable and helped produce agriculture. They also created mathematics to keep track of property as well as the passage of time. Having a calendar helped to make them more civilized and organized.

  13. Two things that really interested me were the fact that ancient civilizations couldn't and wouldn't consider zero just because they didn't believe in nothing, you had to have something. Another thing that interested me was the graph that had a comparison of all the famous ancient civilizations that helped shape us.
    Question: Why did they consider having nothing (zero)as a demonic and evil abyss?
    -William Yeromian

  14. Anthony Kinevsky
    Per 5

    The two ideas that interested me were:

    1:The beginning of mathematical thought began from counting sheep and the need to keep track and the passage of time.
    2:The other fact that interested me was that one number can evolve into a pattern of many new numbers. Also the first numbers began form 1, 2, many to 1, 2, 3, many.

    Question: Why is it that people could start form a simple number such as 1, but could not develop higher numbers further and further as they went along?

    @ Brontë Schmit
    Q: The book states that due to the Nile overflowing every year, the Egyptians HAD to become master mathematicians. Along with managing property lines, what did math have to do with the annual flood?

    A: Math might have been a part during the flood to calculate the time laps and period in which the flood would continue or finish. Also it could have been a type of calender to know when the next flood might occur.

    @ Bobby Valdez
    Q:Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the Lunar calendar?
    A:The Egyptians

  15. Two things that interested me were:
    1. Zero can be a powerful but also simple number.
    2. Another thing that interested me is that the egyptian, greek (old Style), and Roman almost have similar ways of writing their numbers.

    Why is zero and powerful number?

    @Diana Dominguez
    Q:Before zero and other numbers, how did people count and use logic?
    A: Before zero and the other numbers people used syymbols to count and use logic. An example is the mayan numbers. they would use heads or faces.
    @Sydney Moore
    Q: Which people used the alien described faces as a language in the first chapter?
    A: The Mayans used the alien faces for language in the first chapter. they also used them to count.

  16. Cynthia Serrano p.5
    Two things that interest me are
    - geometry was created by ancient pharoahs
    - Egyptians used the sun to mark the seasons rather than the moon
    How long was each Eqyptian month ?

    1. Each Egyptian month was 30 days for 12 months

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Liliana Gomez
      12 months is 30 days.

  17. Alexandra Marks; Period 5
    Two things that interested me:
    1.) The ancient egyptians designed a system for transcribing their decimal system, where pictures stood for numbers.
    2.) 12 lunar months only add up to about 354 days--roughly 11 short of the solar years length yet, 13 lunar months yield 19 days too many. The egyptian calendar had 12 months but each month was 30 days long. Their week, 10 days long. At the end of the year, there were an extra five days, bringing the total up to 365 becoming the ancestor of our own calendar.

    If people cam up with numbers for counting, why did it take so long to develop a number that stood for nothing?

    @Anthony Kivensky:
    Q:Why is it that people could start form a simple number such as 1, but could not develop higher numbers further and further as they went along?
    A:It's not that they did not develop higher numbers, it is just that there were no "specific" names for them. They had "two and one" and "two and two" which were higher than one or two.

    @April Dubois
    Q:This leads to my question of how did they know how many days and months to create in a year?
    A:When creating the lunar calendar, they followed the patterns of the moon. The egyptian system was adopted by greece and then by rome where it was modified by adding leap years.

    1. Nina Ibanez per.5
      Initially, people didnt think about nothing and that it even had to be represented with a number.

  18. Kevin Wamhof period 5
    Facts that interested me
    1)How different cultures buit off eachovers mathematical advances, and mokified it to their own use
    2)How people could fear the number 0
    Queston: Why does dividing by 0 destroy the entire frame work of mathematics?
    Answer#1:It took so long for people to develope a number that stood for nothing because at first they had no need for it.
    Answer#2:Zero is a powerfull number because it represents literally nothing, which may or may not be physically possible.

  19. May Pisuttipong - Period 1
    1. One thing I found interesting was that numbers that we have now were derived from many characters that were both bizarre and simple.
    2. Another thing I found interesting was that zero was actually a big deal, and it was a number that didn't contain anything, but at the same time, it was important to have it as a number.

    Question: Why is zero so important? What value does it have to the other numbers?

    1. @Bobby Valdez - The Egyptians.
    2. @Bronte Schmit - I think math had a big part to the floods, because the Egyptians would calculate when the floods would stop, and when it would start again yearly.

  20. Kevin Wamhof period 5
    Facts that interested me
    1)How different cultures buit off eachovers mathematical advances, and mokified it to their own use
    2)How people could fear the number 0
    Queston: Why does dividing by 0 destroy the entire frame work of mathematics?
    Answer#1:It took so long for people to develope a number that stood for nothing because at first they had no need for it.
    Answer#2:Zero is a powerfull number because it represents literally nothing, which may or may not be physically possible.

  21. Ebone Jenkins
    Two things that interested me:
    1.) The ancient egyptians designed a system for transcribing their decimal system, where pictures stood for numbers.2. Another thing I found interesting was that zero was actually a big deal, and it was a number that didn't contain anything, but at the same time, it was important to have it as a number it represented both nothing and infinity.

    Question:Without zero will anything be diffrent?

  22. Michael Bolanos Per. 5

    Two things that interested me were (1) The ancient egyptians designed a system for transcribing their decimal system, where pictures stood for numbers. Like, a single vertical mark represented a unit. (2) Zero was only used as a place holder, it had no significant meaning.

    My question: Who discovered the number zero?

    @Bobby Valdez, Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar?
    The Egyptians
    @Ailin Blour: How did mathematical thought begin?
    Math was thought of, way before anyone ever spoke a word but because of symbols and everyday activities for collecting food, supplies, etc. Math just started naturally and was part of everyday lifestyle.

    1. Nina Ibanez per 5
      Several cultures discovered the concept of zero.

  23. Period 1- Gabriel Gonzaelz

    Two things I found interesting were that 1) the Egyptians innovation of the solar calendar and they were the masters of mathematics even though they didn't have a zero, and 2) because the lack of zero, it was bad for the future.

    Question: Why was it so significantly bad to have a lack of zero?

    Answer1: @Bobby Valdez: Question: Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar?
    The Egyptians came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar.

    Answer2: @Kevin Wamhof: Queston: Why does dividing by 0 destroy the entire frame work of mathematics?
    Dividing by zero would destroy the entire frame work of mathematics because dividing zero by zero would give you an infinite amount of answers. for example if 4 x 0 = 0 and to undo this action you would divide by zero, the equation would look like this: (4 x 0)/0 and the answer should be 4. Therefore, 0/0 = 4. This can be true for a 1, 2, 3, 5 etc. and this can not make sense.

  24. Period 1 - Crystal Castaneda

    Two ideas I found interesting was that so many were developing number sense, but no one had developed the idea of zero until the Babylonians. Anther idea I found interesting is today we comprehend the significance of zero, but we continue to place it after the nine on computers and cellphones instead of placing it before the zero.

    Why do you think people continue to place the zero after the nine on computers and keyboards.

    1. @ Bobby Valdez. The Egyptians
    2. @ Erica Buonora. Zero was greatly feared because the ancient linked chaos and void with zero. It was feared that emptiness and disorder and void would come about again, and zero represented that.

  25. Period 1 - Belinda Freeman

    Two concepts i found interesting in were:
    1) That zero represents nothing and infinity, may be described as the yin to infinity's yang. The power behind a number that can be seemingly worthless, can terminate as well as prolong something forever.
    2) The ancient Egyptians using pictures for their number system and zero was of no importance in early civilization;

    My question: What is a situation where the absence of zero caused chaos?

    1. @Michael Bolanos - The Babylonians around 300 BC
    2. @ Ebone Jenkins - My view is that if the early civilizations survived without the use of zero why couldn't we? However as our world progresses with technology zero maybe essential to our movement forward.

  26. Period 1 - Melanie Sandoval
    Two ideas that interested me were that the Siriona Indians from Bolivia and Brazilian Yanoama people don't have any words for a number larger than three, instead they used words like "many" and that although the Greeks brought the highest math in the ancient world, they did not discover zero.

    My question: What machine did the Babylonians invent to help them count?

    Answer 1: @Crystal Casteneda- I think zero comes after nine because it feels unnatural to us to start counting with zero.
    Answer 2: @April Dubois- Most civilizations used the moon as their guide but were short a couple days. The Egyptians corrected that by using the sun.

  27. Period 1- Leslie German
    Two things i found interesting were:
    1. How the Siriona Indians of Bolivia and the Brazilian Yanoama people didn't have numbers bigger than three, instead they'd use "many" or "more". & 2. When the Egyptians designed a pyramid system for transcribing their decimal system, where pictures stood for numbers.

    My question: Why was zero a "foreign & frightening" idea for Ancient people?

    1. @Melanie: They used the abacus. It was a calculating tool, mainly used in parts.
    2. @Cynthia: The Egyptian month was 30 days long.

  28. Period 1- Irene Jimenez
    The two ideas I found interesting:
    -So many were beginning to understand numbers and the relationships that go along with them, yet no one had come up with the idea of zero until the Babylonians.
    -That zero is unique in the sense of multiplying and dividing. By dividing by zero it is possible to prove anything you want mathematically.

    My Question: Why would ancient people fear the creation of zero?

    Answer 1: To Michael Bolanos. The Babylonians around 300 BC

    Answer 2: To Bobby Valdez. The Egyptians

  29. Per. 5 Nina Ibanez
    Two ideas i found interesting:
    1. The many variations that the calander has. (solar, lunar, etc.)
    2. Different people made their numbers look like certain geometric shapes.
    1. How did the concept of zero travel to the west?

    1. Answer1: To Liliana Gomez.-The Egyptian system was adopted by Greece and then by Rome,where it was modified by adding leap years,and then became the standard calender of the Western world.

  30. Period 1 , Alexis Gomez: One idea that interested me were how the Egyptians came up with the idea of Geometry. Another idea was how the number zero didnt have a spot on the number line it was used as a symbol.

    Question: If zero was important, how come they didnt consider it a real number?

    1. @Leslie G- People didnt have a real definition for the number 0, they found it to be evil and mysterious.

    2. @Melanie- They used the abacus.

  31. Period 1 Yanira Medina

    -During the stone age people could only distinguish between one and many. When keeping count they would utilize a wolf bone as their counting system. There was no specific numeric system.

    -Zero doesn't exist on the number line since its not included with the other numbers. It is like a symbol, it represents the absence of something or just plain nothing.

    -Question:Where did Zero come from?

    -@Bobby V: Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar?
    The nation that came up with the simplest way correct the lunar calender was the Egyptians.
    -@Erica B: Why did the ancients have a fear for zero?
    The ancients feared zero because they thought it was some kind of evil.For the ancient Zero represented chaos and void because It was feared that emptiness and disorder would come about again.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Liliana Gomez Period 5

    -One idea that interested me is the Numerals of different cultures.This system is so strange, but made perfect sense to ancient peoples.

    -The second idea that inerested me is the Mayan numbers. The Mayan glyph writing is about as alien-looking.

    Question: How does the Mayan solar calender work?

  34. Emily Larson (period 1)
    one thing i found interesting was that every country had a different way to do math or count.
    Another ineresting idea is that the Egyptians created geometry and they made pyramids.
    My question is: What did the lunar calender have to do with months that had 31 days or monthes with 30 days.

    Irene- there was no purpose for it so they didnt use it.
    Ebone Jenkins- i dont think so.

  35. Jeremy Quevedo Period 5
    One thing that I found interesting was that Zero was not even thought to be a real number. I mean how can you account for something that isn't even there. Another thing I found intersting was that the Egyptians where considered "masters of mathamatics." This is very impressive.
    Question: What made people consider the number zero?
    Bobby V: The Egyptians
    Eric Buonora: They feared it because they could not see it; but we all know that even though we can't see something, it can still exist.

  36. Nicole Stotler (period 5)

    - I found it so interesting how the idea behind zero is so complex.
    - The way the other countries had different ways to portray their numbers, and get the message across was fascinating. The wolf bone idea especially.

    -Why were people hesitant to add zero to their system?

    @Bobby - The Egyptians was the nation that came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar.
    @Melanie - The abacus was the machine that the Babylonians invented to help them count.

  37. Anthony Garcia. Per 5

    One idea that interested me was how the number zero did not have a place on the number line. Instead, it was used as a symbol.

    Another thing that i found interesting was that people were actually feared by the number zero. I found it funny how a number that represented absolutley nothing scared people.

    Q.1) Why were people soo afraid of the number Zero?

    @Leslie G- People did not have a real definition for the number 0, they thought of the number as evil and mysterious.

    @Bobby Valdez- The Egyptians!

    1. They didn't really know what zero meant so that's why they were afraid

  38. Gabby Flores Period 1
    Two ideas that interested me in the chapter was how the western calendar did not have any zeros - which lead to problems in the future and how Egyptians made in history the invention of the art of geometry.

    Q.1)Why did some culture choose to live without a zero?

    @Bobby: The Egyptians
    @Liliana Gomez: the Mayan from the beginning had a zero, they naturally divided their year into 18 months of 20 days each, totaling to 360 days.A special period of 5 days at the end called Uayeb, brought the days to 365.

  39. Two Things That Interested Me:
    - How the number zero did not have a place on the number line, it was used as a symbol.
    - Also that every country had a different way to do math or count.
    My Question:
    - In what ways did Zero benefit people's lives?
    -@Bobby V: Which nation came up with the simplest way to correct the lunar calendar?
    The Eygptians.
    -@Erica B: Why did the ancients have a fear for zero?
    The ancients feared zero because they thought it was some kind of evil.

    1) one thing that i found intersting was that before zero civilation binary number system could not go very high it would go 1-5 or ten. but with zero number value was able to double for example, 10 to 100, just adding twpo zero's it increased the value.
    2) another thing that i found interting was how they came up with the idea to make a number accountable that did not exist, how were people supposed to number nothing, if it is nothing.




    1. They thought the number zero was bad and would ruin their lives.

  41. Two Ideas That Interested Me:
    - An that interested me is the way French numbers are based on a 20 number system. It is called (vigesimal.)
    - Another idea that caught my attention was the fact that people were scared of the number zero.

    MY Question:
    -How were they able to creat a calendar knowing how many days & months to put in?

    @Sydney Moore
    Q: Which people used the alien described faces as a language in the first chapter?
    A: The Mayans used the alien faces for language in the first chapter, they were also used to count as well.

    @Liliana Gomez
    Q:How does the Mayan solar calender work?
    A:The Egyptian system was adopted by Greece although fixed in Rome, there it was modified by adding leap years,and then became the standard calendar of the Western world.

  42. Sarai Kashani, Period 5

    Two ideas that interested me:
    1.) It's really interesting how the number zero is a respresentation of something that lacks, in essence, the perfect example of something that represents absense. The absense of something between -1 and 1. The fact that the number zero continues to stimulate so much controversy among physicists and mathematicians is interesting. I mean, how can ONE NUMBER cause even calcultors to complain?

    2.) One other thing that grabbed my attention was how the babylonians developed a delicate calendar system based on solar and lunar forces. The idea of using such resources instead of a DATED calendar seems unreal. How could ONE number cause so much commotion?

    Questions related to my interesting facts:
    1.) Condisering the avoidance of the number zero in the calendar system back in the day, it it possible for there to ahve been a shift in time? I mean, how were the babylonians attest to their accuracy?

    Answers to other questions:
    @Kristel Chingcuangco
    Q: How was zero so unimportant before our time?

    A: It's not that zero was so unimportant before our time, it's just that our ancesestors were not aware of its existence. Hence, how could they be afraid of something that they did now know existed?

    @Gabby Flores
    Q: Why did some cultures choose to live without zero?
    A: Gabby, these cultures did not deliberately choose to live without zero. Though there are many reasons as to why you could think this. For instance, these civilizations could have "chosen" to deny the existance of zero in fear of what it could mean for them. Maybe, they had a picture in mind. Like something that could affect the greater picture and for that reason they possibly found it easier to avoid zero.

  43. Luis Leon Period 1
    1) First idea I'm interested was that zero changed many numbers, its cool how zero can change the value of the number
    2) Another idea is that people were afraid of the number zero for some reason.

    Q: Why were people afraid of the number zero?

  44. Jose Blandon per 5
    1)The first one is how the concept of zero as a number and not merely a symbol for separation is attributed to India where by the 9th century AD practical calculations were carried out using zero, which was treated like any other number, even in case of division.
    2) The second is how we used the number zero and how it helps us counts to infinite numbers. Like we have #'s like 20,60 and 560. We wouldnt make it past 9 becasue without the zero we wouldnt have the #10!!
    3)Why do we use the number 0 soo much even if we dont really count it as a number?
    I dont think people are afraid of the number zero!! is just that people dont really like use that number becasue to them is doesnt really exist!!

  45. Santana, anthony per5
    1) the first thing that interested me is tge power that the zero has over everything else. Another thing that interested me was that in the year 2000 they felt that the xomputers were not going to work simply because of the number zero.
    2) my question is why would someone just think of thw concept of zero and whoever did ,did they know it would affect greatly on our society
    3)@ luis leon. Peiple are afraid of the number zero because it could greatly afect rhe outcome of something greatly

  46. Miguel De Sequera- Period 5

    1- the first interesting thing i notices was how the Egyptians were the ones to discover geometry using pictures to illustrate the meaning
    2- second interesting fact is that 0 is nothing it has no real significance to the other numbers yet it is so important. it holds many different elements that we as a society can not live without.

    question- when the numbers were created why was zero left out in the begging?

    may- without zero what foundation does the number system have other then 1-2-3 rather than 0-1-2-3
    Luis- by marking the number of marks one had gain throughout ones history lead to the creation of numbers

  47. Vanessa Martinez per. 1
    1)The first interesting thing i noticed was that 0 is a number meant to represent nothing or a void but it has a very strong importance in math today.
    2)The second interesting thing was the fact that there were people and civilizations that actually feared the idea of the #0.
    Q-Why was it that so many people feared the idea of the #0?
    A1-Miguel De Sequera: Ancient people never thought of needing something to represent Nothing such as the #0.
    A2-Emily Larson: The lunar calendar is how they counted the day between the first full moon(beginning of month) and the last full/new moon (end of month).

  48. Adriana Ortiz Per. 2

    1. The first idea that really intrested me was that the number zero was not really considered a number, it was a symbol.
    2. The second idea that really intrested me was that everybody feared the number like it was something terifying.

    Why was the number 0 not included in the number line?

    Who discovered the number 0?
    -The Babylonians discovered the number.
    Eric Buonora:
    Why did they fear the number 0?
    -They feared it because they could not see it; but we all know that even though we can't see something, it can still exist.

  49. Mark Escarilla Per 5

    Two interesting facts:
    -The calender they invented is close to the one we use
    -They were afraid of zero

    -How many days are in the Egyptian calendar?

    -@Bobby Valdez
    The Egyptians

    -@Kristel Chingcuangco
    The number zero was so unimportant because our primitive ancestors didn't think that a number for nothing mattered

  50. Ch2&3
    1)How numbers and philosophy were inseparable
    2) Music was a mathematical act

    1)What made philosophy and numbers inseparable

    Answer of other Questions

  51. Chapters 2 and 3
    Crystal Castaneda
    Period 1
    Ideas that interested me was the golden ratio and anything relating or having to do anything with it was and still is aesthetically pleasing, and the west had a difficult time accepting zero, and for the east the idea was welcomed.

    Why do you think, even today that we are well aware of zero and welcome it's existence, but continue to begin counting from 1 instead of zero? Even when a child is born they're considered one month, two months, etc but never zero. Why do you think that is?

    @ Luis Leon - People were afraid of zero because the idea of nothingness scared them.
    @Gabby Flores - They chose to live without zero because it was the easier thing for them to do, to just turn their heads and ignore the fact that such a concept could exist.

  52. Jennifer Casasola
    1) Zero doesn't exist on the number line since its not included with the other numbers. It is like a symbol, it represents the absence of something or just plain nothing.

    2) Since zero didn't have a value like the other numbers, it helped the other digits be in the places that they needed to be in order to make sense. Zero was made because it was needed to give a sequence of Babylonian digits a meaning that made them unique.

    If there wasn't such thing as the number zero, how would the other digits be out of place?

    To Mark Escarilla Per 5
    There are 30 Days
